Berlin Trampoline Park
- Categories:Cases
- Author:Peter Pan Group
- Origin:Original
- Time of issue:2019-09-11 14:09
- Views:
(Summary description)Whenyoustarttrampolineparkbusiness,youmustconfirmthemaincolorfirst,likeredwithyellow,bluewithgreen,etc.Thenyoucangiveideatothetrampolineparkdesigner,andalsoyourdecorationcompany,VIdesignerandsoon. M
Berlin Trampoline Park
(Summary description)Whenyoustarttrampolineparkbusiness,youmustconfirmthemaincolorfirst,likeredwithyellow,bluewithgreen,etc.Thenyoucangiveideatothetrampolineparkdesigner,andalsoyourdecorationcompany,VIdesignerandsoon. M
- Categories:Cases
- Author:Peter Pan Group
- Origin:Original
- Time of issue:2019-09-11 14:09
- Views:
When you start trampoline park business, you must confirm the main color first, like red with yellow, blue with green , etc. Then you can give idea to the trampoline park designer, and also your decoration company , VI designer and so on .
Most players will have their own favourite colors, it is impossible to make the trampoline park in all the colors they like, but once you match all the color with padding, mats, decoration, even the work suit, then the players will try to accpet your colors.